Sunday, March 20, 2011


Day 24 of Transplant and Jeremie has 1300 white blood cells, 900 neutrophils....can any one say ENGRAFTMENT!!! SO very happy for my Jeremie! He is doing wonderfully! Next the red-blood cell and platelets lines will kick into gear and he will be making a lot more on his own.

He did great with sampling some food yesterday or practicing. It didn't hurt his throat. It did make him slightly nauseous, but ya' know he hasn't had anything solid in his stomach for 3 weeks. So I have to keep reminding him to be patient.

We also talked about the scary, dreaded, jinx'd word "DISCHARGE"...I was so scared to be bringing it up! But Jeremie is engrafting, doing well and I don't want to get caught off guard one day, with "we are done come get him". So I asked an approximate time frame. I was told probably around 2 weeks he will be ready to be discharged! Woo Hoo!!!! So excited. Now I need to really get my buns into gear and find an apartment for him. Luckily the small search I have done pulled up a lot of apartments in the avenue's in the price range we are looking for.  This week I will be talking lots and arranging times to look through them when I come next weekend. I'm hoping somehow, someway Jeremie will be able to go with me on a couple of these. As long as his numbers are holding, and maybe, just maybe he is off the TPN. Then perhaps we could talk them into letting him out of the hospital for a minute.

Well keep up the prayers...they are getting us through this!

Lots of Love,


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