Tuesday, March 29, 2011


JEREMIE HAS BEEN DISCHARGED!!! Woo Hoo!!! We sprung him yesterday. After a whirl-wind of decisions to be made very quickly (gotta love LDS), Jeremie decided it would be best to stay with my parents. They live in sugarhouse, a 15 minute drive from LDS hospital. And 3 adults are home during the day and available to Jeremie no matter the day or time. So we went to my moms yesterday. We had a fun night. I took a nap yesterday. Ate really good food...aaahhh love my mothers finger-steaks and french-fries! And got settled in.

I came home today via a Delta Flight. Had to think fast and leave Jeremie a vehicle. Even though he has my dad to drive him around. There will come a time when Jeremie will feel up to driving around. So I got to fly into the new airport. Very pretty by they way. Could see my house while landing.

Jeremie is super exhausted and very weak still. He has made such great improvements over the last several weeks, that aren't anything short of a miracle. But it is different seeing someone outside the hospital environment and expecting them to "just be themselves". I think 6 weeks in the hospital is enough. It is time to do some serious healing now. He ate and drank better than he has in several weeks.

My sweet mom and dad were given instructions on how to change Jeremie's IV fluids. And tonight was the test run. Mom and Jeremie did great!!! I think I could hear my mom shaking via her voice! Poor thing. She did fabulous though! I am quite jealous that they have my sweet Jeremie at their house every night. Right now I am upset for moving from Salt Lake. Ugh! But happy that we have the opportunity we do. So I will quit whining.

Of course I have evil plans stirring in my head. Always do! So I am scheming that in a couple of weeks, when Jeremie's blood levels have stabilized, and he no longer requires transfusions. And his graft vs host disease is stable or non-existent, I am going to BEG, BEG for him to come home early. So I am praying by Easter to have all oncologists in Salt Lake and here in St. George on board with a plan that involves him home sooner rather than later. Please pray with me that this can happen! I know, how can I ask so much, when so much has been given...but I'm asking anyway ;-)

Jeremie's white-blood cells are all normal. And his platelets are starting to stick around longer. And his red-blood cells are actually starting to increase on their own. Right now there is debate on whether or not his liver enzymes being increased is a product of medication or slight graft vs host disease. And whether or not his constant nausea is related to graft vs host disease as well. If it is graft vs host disease, there really isn't anything they can do about it. BUT this is why he has to stay in SLC, to see if these problems increase. I'm hoping with increased food/fluids he can get rid of the excess medication causing havoc in his body. That is my theory anyway. Yup...back to my theories.

Well that is pretty much it. Things couldn't be going better. Excited for Jeremie to gain strength and come home!

Lots of Love,


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