Monday, March 21, 2011


Super-duper Yay!!!! Jeremie's neutrophils are at 1400 today!!!! Only 400 more and they will be at normal levels!!! WOO HOO *\o/* !!!! Go blood cells, go blood cells, go! White-blood cells are at 2000! He is now off of the antibiotics. Going off of Lovenox (blood thinner), as he promised to walk 3 times a day. And his TPN is cut in half, to leave room for him to begin eating on his own. Progress is so awesome!!!!

Oh I'm so excited I just could burst!!! I'm having delusions of grandeur that maybe if his blood (platelets and red-blood cells) stabalize and start to grow on his own that I could bring him home. It is a tiny little prayer I have. That he doesn't have to stay there the full 100 days. But I definitely wouldn't feel comfortable with him down here if he was still requiring the amount of platelets and red-blood cells that he is requiring. But...just but...if he could start growing those on his own....hmmmmm. Oh it would be to good to even wish for! So I will be happy with him being discharged from the hospital and in his own space right by it.

Just floating in air!!!

