Thursday, February 24, 2011


This is now going to be such a significant day in our lives. A special day, full of hope and healing.

While all the nurses here at LDS are AMAZING, and I'm so appreciative of all of them. Jeremie is ecstatic  that he has his favorite nurse on this special day. And he is truly making a difference at keeping our nerves settled! He let us know that one of the cord-blood stem cells is from Italy, possibly Rome. And one from here in the United States. Kind of like Jeremie, his mom is from Europe (France) and his dad from the United States.

Both sets of cells are here at LDS. Our small "bag" which is still a good size sample, is 25 mL in volume.   It will have different additives and medications added to the bag that will be infused. The two different cord-blood cells will be transfused at different times. He has to be pre-medicated before each transfusion, similar to when he receives blood. To avoid any "transfusion" reactions. The "transplant" will be transfused exactly like he would receive a blood transfusion, right into his port. Just like he receives all fluids and medications :-). Nothing to hard, or different from any other day. Kind of anti-climatic huh?

They are doing a different protocol for Jeremie. He received a couple more doses of irradiation, and stronger chemotherapy. And started a couple of days earlier on his anti-graft vs host disease meds.

There is a definite air of excitement today. I think they are just as excited and hopeful for this to work. Again, amazing minds, experience, skills and compassion are on our side here. We feel so loved and supported.

Well there will probably more updates throughout the day as we progress...

Lots of Love,


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