Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Jeremie had a great evening. Went and got him some Olive Garden for dinner. He ate great :-) And we enjoyed our evening. We had a great nurse with us last night. He was the nurse Jeremie had on his first night here (first diagnosis). On his first admission he told him that he thought God personally touched his hands for the kind work he did. Hee hee hee. I reminded the nurse last night. He blushed about 4 different shades of red :-)

Our night did not go well at all. It was pretty miserable. Jeremie started violently throwing up around midnight. And he was also started on several of the new I.V. anti-graft vs host disease meds. So between throwing-up and trying to get the pumps to stop their incessant beeping it was a loud, miserable night. I felt so bad. He didn't know when it was going to hit him. So I tried hard to always have a clean up-chuck bucket. No one likes to throw-up in their throw-up...ewwww.

 We finally got a handle on it around noon today. He is on around the clock anti-nausea med's. They make him so groggy and tired. He slept a little. I started falling asleep no matter where I was. If I was sitting up propped against the wall or the bathroom or the chair. I've never been like that! I slept the best in a little ball on the chair :-)

 He has a weird side-effect from one of the chemotherapy's. It makes him hiccup...a lot! One of the oncologist showed us a acupuncture technique on his back to help slow it down. We are going to keep trying it ;-), maybe it will work.  His "old" pain has decreased significantly. In that regard it is nice to see him move easier. Before he couldn't get out of his bed without help. And he was so bent over in pain. Now he is easily bouncing out of bed, albeit to run to the bathroom.

We never know what kind of day it is going to be. And boy, things sure change in a heart beat. We are still on schedule for transplant on Thursday :-)  Jeremie's numbers are taking a nose-dive. He had to have blood yesterday. But his platelets are around 47,000 today. His neutrophils are down to around 500. Officially he is at risk for a lot of infections. He is on 2 different antibiotics, an anti fungal, and high-dose anti-viral. Hopefully we can keep him healthy during this scary process. Around 22-42 days is the average it will take for his transplant to give us some healthy new blood cells, platelets and neutrophils :-)

Well that is all for now :-)



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