Sunday, February 27, 2011


Day 3 of cord-blood transplant: Things are going ok. Jeremie is having a reaction to the Kepivance. The medication that increases epithelial cells. I guess it isn't uncommon, but it hurts him and causes discomfort. It also causes him to look like he has a tan :-) I nice healthy glow!  The medication causes his soles and palms of his feet to hurt, and swell. Even his ears are swollen. Thank goodness the last dose was given last night.

He is swollen everywhere. Hopefully over the next few days it will decrease. He is receiving lasix today to help his body get rid of the excess fluids. Hope it works. I think he will feel better then. For the most part things are going well. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing too scary. Thank goodness.

His plan today included 2 units of blood and a unit of platelets. I'm feeling like the time has just flown by. Probably because I have to go home tomorrow. It is killing me. I miss my kids so much, and I will miss Jeremie so much. This is the part I didn't want to face yet. How this is going to work out :-(
I will return on the weekends with the kids, until he comes home. I'm terribly needy though (in case no one knew!). I'm not sure what I am supposed to do without him. It is a yucky feeling to feel so pulled in all these directions. I need and miss my babies and wish I didn't have to leave him here. He is being a good sport, and tells me that I need to go home and take care of our kids and our home. It does help me to hear him say that. Because if he said I shouldn't go, I wouldn't be able to tear myself away. 

My kids have been amazing! Holding the fort down. Making sure they are going to school, bed, doing laundry. They are amazing. This has been so hard! Being away from them. Not wanting to totally turn their lives upside down. Trying to keep their schedule and life while it is in turmoil. I think that just hurts my soul and Jeremie's as well. Our kids, they are our everything. It is so difficult as they are so young still, and have had to in some ways, grow up super fast because of this ordeal. I desperately want to bring some sunshine in their lives. I'm so grateful for our neighborhood and ward, how they have tried to take our boys to scouts, and keep inviting my sweet Scarlett to activities. It means the world that we are surrounded by such sweet people. Please know how thankful we are for your friendships and love, especially to our children.

I'm hoping once Jeremie is out of the hospital, and in a place of his own, and hopefully healthy enough we can have some fun on the weekends with him, all together. I know how we are all craving to have our family all together. I miss our life, and our routine. Everyday we are closer to having our lives back though :-)

Well poor Jeremie is now struggling with food/liquid going down the I better be helpful!

Lots of Love!


1 comment:

  1. Cori, you are constantly in our prayers- you, Jeremie, and the whole family. Even little Emma (2 yrs old) prays for "Harrison's dad, Harrison's family, and Harrison" I think she has a little crush...please know all your kids are welcome at our house anytime, any day. And we will keep praying for you:)
