Thursday, February 24, 2011

Part Two 02-24-2011

At 1:45 this afternoon Jeremie's first cord-blood stem cell transplant was transfused. It went awesome! It was so neat. The medical technician from the University of Utah was so cute. She was just as excited as we were. The cells survived being thawed with 96% of the stem cells viable. It is a large, healthy sample :-) Jeremie didn't have any terrible reactions and slept through the procedure. Sort of against his will. They had to give him a bunch of pre-meds to help with any adverse reaction he might have.

Our next transfusion will be around 5'ish. It takes approximately 3 hours to get the cells ready for transplant. They have to be thawed, the cells tested to see how they survived the thaw, and cell counts taken. They had to wait to give the go-ahead to start the thawing process, to see how Jeremie handled the first transfusion. Since he did great, the call was made and they are in process.

He will have to be started on TPN (total parenteral nutrition) or I.V. nutrition. He isn't getting his calorie counts in and they need him to stay strong. So he will be started on that later in the evening. He also will be getting platelets as his are down to around 14,000.

I'm not quite sure why...but I'm just excited. I feel we are on the right course...that or I'm reacting to everyone's excitement around me ;-)

Love to all,



  1. We've been thinking of and praying for you both all day... My 3-year-old said in family prayer this morning, "please help Brother Saville that his blood will get better."

  2. Oh that is so sweet! That makes me cry...sniff, sniff
